SkiMonkey III – Revealing the seabed between Prince Edward and Marion Islands
SkiMonkey III - Revealing the seabed between Prince Edward and Marion Islands.
SkiMonkey III - Revealing the seabed between Prince Edward and Marion Islands.
Sea Technology Services welcomes Natalie Turnbull to the team!
Sea testing and calibration of two of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR’s), Liquid Robotics Wave Gliders , has started in Cape Town, in the main display tank of the Two Oceans Aquarium.
Sea Technology Service’s SkiMonkey III Benthic Photography System heads to Marion Island.
Sea Technology Services welcomes Engineering Technician Students Sinekhaya Bilana, Ashley Botha and Jean-Pierre (JP) Smit to the newly established CSIR initiative, the Southern Oceans Engineering R&D Centre (SOERDC).
...CSIR’s new Sea-Bird Electronics GEOTRACES CTD system and 20' clean container lab were commissioned and tested during the The Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx) cruise aboard S.A. Agulhas.
...The Sea Technology Services Fast Towed Cam (FTC) V2 system, designed and manufactured for NOAA’s Advanced Survey Technology (AST) group, in San Diego, successfully passed its bench acceptance testing...
Welcome back 542 and 543! Seagliders 542 and 543 have successfully completed their four-month long missions in the Southern Ocean, and have been retrieved by S.A. Agulhas during CSIR’s Southern Ocean Seasonal Cycle Experiment (SOSCEx)
Dr Sandy Thomalla (CSIR), Sea Technology Services (STS) and Dr Eric Rehm from University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory, have developed and manufactured an underway IOP observational system.
...NOAA's Advanced Survey Technologies (AST) group, based at Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, San Diego, has contracted Sea Technology Services (STS) to design and manufacture enhanced versions of the autonomous STS Acoustic Optical Sampler...